Energy Upgrade

Currently DoubleCheck Home Inspections Ottawa does not conduct this type of inspection, however you may find the following information to be useful and you could apply it to your new home or cottage. If you would like we can arrange for this service to be provided.

As energy costs increase, more homeowners are wondering whether their home would benefit from design or systems retrofits that would create operating and environmental savings. DoubleCheck Inspections can assist you with evaluating your current systems and building envelope to develop an energy-efficient strategy with the best return on investment.

In some provinces there is now restriction on wood burning appliances and if upgrading you should check in your area if this is applicable.

Consider an energy and environmental evaluation if:

  • The property is old and systems require updating because they are near the end of their operational life and/or have failed in the past.
  • Systems are still functioning but you want to investigate technology that reduces energy consumption and/or environmental impact.
  • You want to take advantage of government environmental initiatives or subsidies.

Except in the case of an emergency upgrade (such as a furnace failure), it would be advantageous to conduct a complete energy audit to identify the most cost effective options for improving your home’s energy efficiency and reducing its environmental footprint. Improving the air tightness of your home is generally the most cost-effective upgrade you can make to increase the overall energy-saving performance.

Central Mortgage and Housing Canada (CMHC) has a wealth of information on home ownership, some of which is noted below. CMHC is located at 800 Montreal Road in Ottawa. You may wish to e-mail or contact them by: telephone at 1-800-688-2642 , or by fax at 1-800-245-9274.